Sunday, July 27, 2008

Welcome to my "How to Make Money Online Web Site!" Let me start out by telling you a few details about myself. I am NOT a millionaire, yet, not half a millionaire, not a quarter millionaire. I do not earn $100,000 a month. I do not know all there is to know about the Internet and Internet marketing.

There is a Fast process to make money juts join ipower,and host so many site and many more advantage online,make money and change life with such a big advantage.


I am not sitting on a beach somewhere just letting the cash roll in. I know, you're asking yourself, what the heck does this guy know anyway and who is he to be telling me his ideas on how to make money online. Well, this is what I do know about making money online...
Make Money Online Ideas.

I'm a cartoonist from the midwest probably sitting at my computer as you read this creating a new web site to help earn extra income to help support my family. I am a graphic artist, cartoonist and web designer by day and an Internet entrepreneur by night. And actually, I do make enough money from my Internet businesses that I no longer work for anyone other than myself. So I know it can be done. Everything I learned, I found on my own, online. It took several years for me to get to where I am so please understand that there is time and effort involved in making money online.

The reason I built this site was the fact that everytime I go to a party or talk to a new client I rattle on about the Internet and how it works. I found that most people are unaware of basic workings of the Internet, search engines, affiliates and other online cosmic wonders. I also understand that there are thousands of other people wanting ideas on how to make money online.

My Story...

The Internet has allowed me to create my own online businesses which in turn have allowed me to become a stay-at-home dad. My main money making business opportunity is cartoon logo design. About 90% of my clients find me on the Internet. I am listed at the top of all of the major search engines for cartoon logos. See my Cartoon Logo site.

Make Money Online Ideas

The process I used to become the #1 cartoon logo designer online took a few years to figure out on my own. I read everything online that I could find. I used free ideas, helpful tips and subscribed to every search engine tip newsletter I could. I eventually created enough traffic that I now work at home and make most of my money online.
Make Money Online Ideas
Once I had my cartoon empire up and running I learned I could earn even more money by converting my large traffic base into more money. I did this by joining and adding affiliate links to my site. This was extra income and all I had to do was create a few links. It's almost like free money!

Make Money Online Ideas
After I received a few affiliate checks, I decided I should create another web site who's sole purpose was to sell affiliate products. Since I was having a new baby at the time, I created a baby web site. I quickly moved the top of the Google search engine for several baby related keywords and the checks started trickling in.
Make Money Online Ideas

Of course I couldn't stop there, so I began creating more money making web sites and realized the more sites I created, the more money I could make. That puts me to where I am today. I am a work-at-home business owner and I did it all on my own without ever purchasing any money making manuals or joining any get rich seminars.

I promise to add new info as soon as get a little more free time.

One day I decided I would try to help others by letting them in on my money making ideas. I started writing a little ebook that I intended on giving away free. As I started writing I realized that it was taking me forever because I kept adding more and more money making tips and ideas. Eventually my cartoon logo design business and my new greeting card venture have dissolved any free time I had to complete my ebook.
Make Money Online Ideas

I had begun to build a small list of people interested in my money making ideas and promised to send them the link to my ebook when it was complete. Of course I did not and still do not have time to complete my tips and ideas on making extra income using the Internet.

Make Money Online Ideas

I have had to make a tough decision. Because of my busy schedule I know I will be unable to complete my ideas on earning extra money from the Internet. I had intended on providing as much information as I could for free but I knew eventually I might have to charge a fee for the time I would have involved. Instead I am going to provide this web site as a resource for everything that has helped me earn my extra income. I will try to link to everything that I have used and also provide informative, articles, books, courses and tips.

Make Money Online Ideas

I was feeling guilty about not creating the ebook when one day I came across a link to a guy doing exactly what I have been doing. He is making big bucks online using many of the same ideas I have been using, only he uses them much better. I read through his material and every page of his web site. He has taken the time (six months) to put together everything I had been wanting to put in my ebook. I have created a section about his awesome ebook on home business opportunities.

Unfortunately his ebook is not free but I highly recommend that you browse his web site and purchase his book. I can almost guarantee that if you follow the ideas in his book, which are the same ideas I am using to make money, that you will earn several times more than the cost of the book in just a few months. Read more...
Make Money Online Ideas.

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